Advise H2O

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Compliance Deadline Looms: 1 January 2024

All water supplies that were registered by the Ministry of Health must comply with all Taumata Arowai new requirements from 1 January 2024 including:

  • Water Services Act 2021

  • Drinking Water Standards 2022

This means demonstrating compliance with:

  • an Acceptable Solution (if applicable and adopted in whole)


  • be reporting to Taumata Arowai for compliance with Quality Assurance Rules AND

  • have a Drinking Water Safety Plan and Source Water Risk Management Plan (which includes Te Mana O Te Wai).

  • Contact us today to discuss your compliance needs.

For supplies that have registered since Taumata Arowai became the drinking water supply regulator, you have a little longer. Given the lead time for making improvements to some supplies, we suggest you contact us as soon as possible to make wise investment decisions that ensure compliance.