Compliance Deadline Looms: 1 January 2024

All water supplies that were registered by the Ministry of Health must comply with all Taumata Arowai new requirements from 1 January 2024 including:

  • Water Services Act 2021

  • Drinking Water Standards 2022

This means demonstrating compliance with:

  • an Acceptable Solution (if applicable and adopted in whole)


  • be reporting to Taumata Arowai for compliance with Quality Assurance Rules AND

  • have a Drinking Water Safety Plan and Source Water Risk Management Plan (which includes Te Mana O Te Wai).

  • Contact us today to discuss your compliance needs.

For supplies that have registered since Taumata Arowai became the drinking water supply regulator, you have a little longer. Given the lead time for making improvements to some supplies, we suggest you contact us as soon as possible to make wise investment decisions that ensure compliance.


“Measure twice, cut once”