Advise H2O

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“Measure twice, cut once”

We all know the frustration of a seemingly minor mistake which has expensive consequences.

Now imagine doing it with your water supply plant.  

Mistakes can be caused by:

  • Not scoping out all future requirements in your DWSP

  • If you have a confined aquifer, introducing contamination by not having a secure borehead

  • Not training your operators and requiring contractors to be trained so plant isn't operated properly 

  • Not setting aside enough money for ongoing operations such as calibration and maintenance 

You may not need to invest in new plant items all at once.  But you do need to know what lies ahead, what the equipment and the treatment you currently have does (and doesn't do), and what it requires of you.

In the case of a water supply, you need to "measure twice, cut once".  

Let us measure what is required from a compliance and risk perspective.  Then you can make wise investment decisions considering the risk and your resources.